Thrive School

What is the Thrive Approach? 

Children cannot always put their needs into words. However, the way children behave can tell us a lot about how they are feeling; think of behaviour as a form of communication. The Thrive Approach draws on the latest research from current neuroscience, recent attachment research, current studies of effective learning and current models of child development. 

How do we use Thrive school?  

As a Trust we have embraced Thrive in each of our schools. We are also very excited to be working collaboratively towards becoming an Ambassador Trust of Excellence in Thrive.  

We don’t consider Thrive to be an intervention for just a few children. We consider it to be a whole-school approach. Thrive is entwined in everything we do; all classes have a Thrive focus which we use to inform our regular whole class Thrive time and we have introduced soft starts for KS1. We have termly practioner meetings to discuss our Thrive provision across the whole school and we will soon be introducing our Family Thrive sessions for parents and carers. 

Using our own experience, and the resources available through the Thrive Approach, we can effectively support all our children’s emotional, mental health and social wellbeing from the first day of school until transition to secondary education.  

Why do we do what we do? 

Through positive relationships, our priority is to care for every child in a safe and friendly environment. To help us achieve this we have fully embraced the Thrive Approach. The Education Endowment Foundation suggest that teaching staff who are trained to improve emotional wellbeing help children make substantial attainment progress. 

The Thrive approach works seamlessly in enhancing our school values of being Kind, Brave and Brilliant. Supporting the moral wellbeing of our children at the forefront of all we do with kindness to self and others forming the bedrock on which our school is built. 


As well as a number of purposeful Thrive and ELSA rooms we are so fortunate to have extensive and varied school grounds. Children can access a variety of natural spaces from our designated Forest School area to our vast school field. These areas allow our children to experience the changing seasons and the abundant wildlife that we share our grounds with.


As well as our Licensed Thrive Practioners we also have the wonderful support of our school dog Dave and our Guinea Pigs Dick & Dom and Rusty & Dusty, who are very good listeners.

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