
Governing Body 2023/2024

Governor Name Role and responsibilities Voting rights Office end date

Ms K Payne


Co-Chair of Governors - Trust Board Appointed Governor

I have been a school governor since 2015 and have experience of being a Chair of Governors at Oldfield Park Junior School. As a parent of three children who are now secondary age and beyond, I also worked closely with their junior school as the Chair of the PTA for 10 years. I believe children deserve the very best opportunities in life and volunteer to support this where I can.

My full-time role is at Bath Spa University as Partnerships Manager, liaising with schools to secure training placements for PGCE students (trainee teachers). I am also a member of the Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Leadership Team at Bath Spa University so work closely with the Head of ITE and Programme Leaders to ensure Ofsted compliance and support programme reporting and development.

As professional development, I am completing a Computing and IT degree with the Open University. I like to spend my spare time with my children and I enjoy crafts, baking and video games.


Full May 2027

Mr R Cross

Richard Cross


Co-Chair of Governors Full March 2025

Mrs B Wilson

Becky Wilson


Interim Executive Headteacher and Staff Governor

Full N/A

Dr J Garratt

Dr Julia Garratt

Vice Chair of Governors and Community Governor

Full September 2024


Mrs R Seale


Becky Seale2





Parent Governor

My family and I live in Odd Down and our oldest child attends St Martin's Garden Primary School and our youngest child will soon be attending a local preschool. I am a qualified primary school teacher and taught in various schools in Bath and Bristol for 6 years before switching roles to become a teaching assistant. I also run a Brownie Unit in Bath. As a family we have been part of the school's journey since 2018 and I wanted to use my experience as a teacher and my voice as a parent to support the school on that journey. It is an exciting time to be a part of the school community with the constant developments and improvements that are happening.

Full October 2026
Mrs Y Conroy Staff Governor Full

August 2026

Mrs P Fieldhouse

PF profile pic1a

Community Governor

I was a primary school teacher for more than 15 years, in London, Bristol and Bath.  I have also worked overseas, training teachers in China and the Maldives.  I taught at St Martin’s Garden between 2011 and 2014 and loved my time as a teacher here. I am now involved in educational research and am working towards a doctorate in Maths Anxiety.   I also work part time for Wiltshire Wildlife Trust delivering Forest School sessions, school workshops and individual provision for children who are out of school.  

My particular interests are in maths education, outdoor education and special educational needs.  I have lived in Bath for the last 12 years and would like to use my experience to support the school.      

Full May 2026

Mrs A Blair

Ab photo december 2023

Parent Governor

My son started at St. Martin's resource base in September 2023, and it has been such a positive experience for him, so I am really excited to get more involved in St. Martin's.  I currently work teaching PSHE and running a girls' boarding house at a local school, where I am also involved in safeguarding.  Prior to this I worked in housing and homelessness in a few different roles, which I also loved!

I have three lovely boys and a mad labradoodle, and these and my job take up most of my time, but I do also love reading, movies, being at the beach, shoes, and the (very) occasional jog!


Full November 2027
Mr R Youlton

Community Governor


Full January 2028
Mr S Witts

Trust Board Appointed Governor


Full February 2028



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